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Auto Towing Need Not be a Nightmare

Posted on July 6, 2023 by Charles Hurley

All however the very luckiest of souls has, sooner or later, had their car towed from them in the wake of malfunction from an automotive towing company, or worse, turn out to the area it had once been parked and then find some phantom tow truck had grabbed your hands on their prized possession and quickly spirited it away. The latter case is often most infuriating, though needing to call an towing company is never anyone’s notion of a ripping good amount of time in itself. In any event, without traffic enforcement bylaws and tow trucks we probably wouldn’t recognize the earth we reside in, so it’s time to simply accept their existence, and know a couple of things about them that will help you when you have to cross their path.

The very first thing to make certain of as an automobile owner is the fact you have an idea of action at heart in case of a breakdown or, God forbid, an abrupt realization that you haven’t the requisite amount of gasoline to keep running that combustion engine of yours. It’s embarrassing, yes - but hey, it happens to all or any of us, therefore the most sensible thing to do is swallow pride and vanity and ring up a auto towing company ASAP to get that motionless heap of your off the street as quickly as humanly possible. Having lots useful to you in your vehicle all the time is essential. Just when you’re getting the worse day you will ever have as your engine overheats on two-lane bridge in the center of summer, billowing smoke out like chimney, you don’t need the added joy of experiencing to stop and have someone if indeed they know the amount of a tow truck so as to quickly escape the flow angry motorists who are bound to be making vocal their aggravation to you.

But that, of course, is the worst of the possible scenarios that could force anyone to have to call a towing company. We’ve all done the key-in-the-ignition thing, where we frantically grope ourselves hoping of realizing we’ve left our group of keys in a few secret, hidden pocket we didn’t realize we'd, and then peered in through the tightly sealed window to see them dangling there inside locked doors. Again, we hate to admit our very own stupidity, but it happens, and a towing company is the first number you punch into the cellular phone to admit the understandable lapse in keeping sense. Needless to say, you may even maintain the unfortunate position of experiencing battery without more juice without another soul around to help jumpstart you back to running order.

And there’s the other kind of auto towing that people have to bear witness to on a regular basis: the parking violation tow away. This, surely, is no joke, but it’s also very important to you as the motorist (in cases like this, parked motorist) to learn that we now have regulations that each towing company must follow before they hook themselves up to your vehicle and speed off to the nearest impound lot. These laws are your decision to understand, and are now and again broken at the motorist expense, when companies assume that car owners will be too ignorant to learn their rights. Firstly, an automobile cannot usually be towed by a car towing company due to a parking infraction unless the correct authorities are noted, and a substantial timeframe (usually in a nearby of one hour) has elapsed to provide the owner an opportunity to claim his automobile. Second, if you race out to visit a truck along the way of raising your vehicle up to tow away, you possess the right to let him know to lessen it back off, which is illegal for him to impound it once you've done so.

Just knowing anywhere near this much can help you save money and stress, in what's bound to be always a costly and stressful enough situation as it is. Know your rights and become prepared, as well as your encounters with the towing companies won’t be as horrifying as they may be.