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Tag: quote

Articles tagged as Quote

Buy Used Car Tips

Posted on December 6, 2022 by Charles Hurley
To purchase used car is an excellent idea for saving money.Everyone knows that a new car lost 65% of its value in the first five decades.However, the case would be more extreme for a 1 to 2 years old car, it will lost its value 30-40%.If you don't mind to drive a used car (I mean a 2 to 5 years old car, it looks pretty new) rather than a new car, you may save much money to pay many other bills.If you would like to keep the car not too old, you may resell it after driving for 2 to 3 years and buy another newer one...

Buy New Car Tips

Posted on November 25, 2022 by Charles Hurley
Purchasing new car is hard enough without having to deal with the sales pressure from a car salesman.It is no big secret that almost every car dealer can be talked down on the initial price thay want for a car.So if you choose to purchase new car, we will help you determine what sort of cars is ideal for you and the best way to negotiate a car purchase.Before you head out to the car showrooms with your checkbook in hand, evaluate your reasons for getting a new car...

Confidence is King of the Road

Posted on October 15, 2021 by Charles Hurley
Confidence is more than just sexy.It can save you a lot of money on your next car or truck.Lots of people hate buying cars.When you get right down to it, the root causes of this fear and loathing are not hard to pin down.1) Fear of the unknown.2) Buying a car is a confrontational situation.3) It is a huge commitment of time and money.Well, okay, that's great, but how does that help you? Patience, grasshopper...